About Me

I will give your situation my total attention and work with you to find a way out of your stuck place.


After 30 years as a secondary English teacher in the US and the UK, I know that the best learning is the learning we discover for ourselves.

I lived and worked in California for 23 years. I both moved my life there in my 20s and back again (now with family attached) in my 50s. So I know a LOT about change: it can be hard work, not always wonderful, and really challenging.

And new things are exhausting! Which is why it’s helpful to have someone who’s experienced big, life-altering challenges to accompany you on your change journey.

Although I love teaching – and still tutor students 1:1 – I had no work/life balance and chose to leave the classroom in order to make that change.

So I know how scary it can be to contemplate life changes when what you’ve got is “ok” and at least familiar.

Negotiating that transition can be intimidating, which is why it helps to have a coach – a companion – to help you find your route to clarity and empowerment.



"I left every conversation elated and actually excited to make changes in my life!... by the end I didn’t just feel like I was back to my old self, I felt better than my old self."


Animas is the home of transformative coach training and brings a unique psychological and holistic approach to developing coaches.

Accredited by

The Association for Coaching
The International Coach Federation
The European Mentoring and Coaching Council​


Get in touch with me for a free introductory conversation about coaching.

 We can talk about what you’re stuck with – perhaps you already have an idea of where you want to be, but you don’t know how to get there, or maybe you don’t (and that’s ok). We can talk more about how coaching works and you can ask all the questions you want. And then you can decide if coaching with me is for you.

 I look forward to hearing from you!

Please enter your details below and I will email you to arrange a mutually suitable time to talk.
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